Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Listening to complainers is bad for your health.

Everyone knows at least one habitual complainer, someone who seems upset no matter what is going on in their life, no matter how good things seem to be going for them.  This is the kind of person who always has a sob story to tell about how the world is out to get them and, coincidentally, is often the person who most people go out of their way to avoid.  

It turns out there’s a reason why people avoid complainers, according to Trevor Blake, author of Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life neuroscientists have found that listening to someone complaining actually affects the brain in ways that can only be explained as unhealthy. 
Some of it is that the brain seems to imitate the patterns it’s experiencing, leading to the listener reciprocating the negativity themselves.  Essentially, people who force others to listen to their complaining are actually bringing the mood of everyone else down along with them.

But that’s not the only effect that listening to too much complaining can do.  Research shows that listening to 30 minutes or more of complaining or other negativity can actually destroy neurons in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that most people use for problem solving.  Listening to too much complaining can actually make you stupider. 

Given that scientists determined that even viewing negative behavior on TV can lead to the same effects, it’s interesting to speculate on what effects things like talk shows or reality TV are having on their audiences.  

Now, this effect isn’t seen by people who simply bring up bad things, to be classified as a complainer a person has to be bringing up something negative without actually desiring a solution, they just want to be outraged and have other people outraged with them.  

But now that you know the negative effect that it can have on your brain, you have that much more incentive to avoid those people who engage in such destructive behavior.