Friday, June 29, 2012

Do you need it, or just want it?

What does it take to make you happy? How much do you have to have to be grateful?

To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of old shoes. To the man with old shoes, it’s a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, it’s more stylish shoes. And, of course, the fellow with no feet would be happy to be barefoot.

This leads to the ancient insight: If you want to be happy, count your blessings, not your burdens. Measure your life by what you have, not by what you don’t.

Yet in our modern world where we’re continually exposed to endless increments of more and better – others with more money, better TVs, and bigger houses – this is very difficult.

For some people, the pleasure of having something good is drained as soon as they see someone else with something better. Our sense of contentment is created or destroyed by comparisons.

A life consumed with unfulfilled wants is an affliction. The antidote is the concept of “enough.”

This starts by thinking more clearly about the difference between our needs and our wants, between sufficiency and abundance.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with wanting more and striving to fill our lives with things and experiences that give us pleasure, so long as we don’t believe we need whatever we want.

When we think we need what we really only want, we make our desires preconditions to happiness, thereby diminishing our ability to appreciate and enjoy what we do have.

It’s easy to think that happiness is achieved by getting what we want when it’s really a matter of wanting what we get.

In the end, enough is enough.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Leadership Thought...

According to noted medical missionary Albert Schweitzer, “Example is not the main thing in influencing others … it is the only thing.” Part of creating an appealing climate to grow potential leaders is modeling leadership. people emulate what they see modeled. Positive model – positive response. Negative model – negative response. What leaders do, potential leaders around them do. What they value, their people value. The leader’s goals become their goals. Leaders set the tone. As Lee Iacocca suggests, “The speed of the boss is the speed of the team.” A leader cannot demand of others what he does not demand of himself.

As you and I grow and improve as leaders, so will those we lead. We need to remember that when people follow us, they can only go as far as we go. If our growth stops, our ability to lead will stop along with it. Neither personality nor methodology can substitute for personal growth. We cannot model what we do not possess. Begin learning and growing today, and watch those around you begin to do the same.

~From the John Maxwell Daily Reader~

#MagneticConsultingGroup #Leadership

Friday, June 22, 2012

Kickball for Komen!

We will be hosting a kickball event July 1st, 2012 benefiting Susan G. Komen! All are welcome to join us, and event location is coming soon. We will be meeting at noon on the diamond and BBQing as well! This is sure to be a great time and benefit a great cause! Don't forget to wear your pink!

You can follow us for up to date information on our Facebook page at

Or you can visit our Komen Team page at:

Our goal for this event is to raise $250, lets see if we can crush that though! All proceeds will be going straight to the foundation and management has agreed to match 100% what is raised by all employees!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

#SusanGKomen  #PassionatelyPinkForTheCure

Friday, June 8, 2012

Take Your Shot!

Five Good Reasons to Ignore Your Mom

As I caught the pass and planted my feet, I looked toward the basket. It was the championship game in what would be my last season of organized basketball. I was twelve. I may have been the worst player on the team, but I loved the game and, thankfully, my coach always played me a few minutes in the first quarter.

As I took the shot, I heard someone scream from the stands, "Don't shoot!". It was my mom.

My mother loved me so much that she couldn't stand the thought of my being upset from missing the basket (the odds of me making a jump shot were probably somewhere just north of 10 percent). It had nothing to do with how she would feel if I missed the shot. My mom just didn't want to see me disappointed.

I took the shot anyway. And, I made it.

Often, your closest friends and family advise against taking your shot - not in sports, per se, but in your business or your life. They do it to protect you. They warn you of what might not work with your new business plan. Of what could go wrong if you land that big interview. Of how risky it is to open your restaurant.

They tell you they love you and that, "it's not you, it's the economy," or, "you're great but it's such a competitive industry." Your friends tell you about what can go wrong, but rarely about what can go right. It's because they don't want to see you get hurt.

What to do?

Ignore them. Ignore your mother. Ignore everyone. Take the shot. Take YOUR shot.

Before you take your shot, here are five tips to keep in mind:

1. You will regret the things that you do not do (the shots you don't take) rather than the shots that you miss.

2. As Wayne Gretzky tells us, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

3. If someone gives you unsolicited advice, consider the source. If you don't respect that someone for his or her accomplishments, erase the advice from your memory.

4. When your friends and family help you choose between two alternatives, they will most likely recommend that you choose the easier path. Don't do it. Choose the harder one.

5. Don't ask others for advice -- solicit insight. Only you can make the decision. Only you know what you are capable of.

I live by the maxim, "Life is about success; not perfection." I would encourage you to do the same.

Start. Go. Shoot. Leap. Launch. Ship. Stand. Do.

Your mom (and your friends) will be right behind you. And then you'll be soaking up her words of encouragement and congratulations for your accomplishments.