Last weekend's white trash/ugly sweater Christmas Party was a blast! Thanks to everyone for attending and making it such a memorable night! The Secret Santa gifts were pretty good too! You can check our Facebook page for pics as we will be posting them there soon!
Special Congrats to Glenn in his promotion to Assistant Manager last week!!!!! You've earned it! We are all excited for our expansion next year!
And a special shout out to the team, today marks our 1 year anniversary in Sacramento! Congrats to everyone!!! Because of all your hard work and determination, we have had a banner year! I look forward to what awaits us in 2012!!!!
Find Out The Latest About Magnetic Consulting Group, News, Events and Press Here.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Final Installment of Building Great Teams!
From Darren Hardy's Blog, Success Magazine:
Building Great Teams (3 of 3)
We’ve learned that great teams beat great players, leaders and competitors every time. We found that the most sabotaging influence to team cohesion and performance is ego and “headwind hogging.” Now let me identify the two most important ingredients for building high-performing teams.
As Patrick Lencioni wrote in his excellent book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the No. 1 dysfunction is an absence of trust. Interestingly, you don’t even need to like each other, but you do have to trust each other to form the cohesion and solidarity needed for high performance.
So what do you do to build more trust?
I’m a believer in always giving what you want first. If you want trust from your team, give trust first. Things that foster trust are transparency, honesty, vulnerability and complete integrity.
Brainstorm five ways you can demonstrate trust to your team.
Thought starters:
Open the Kimono: Open up your books. Share the good, the bad and the ugly of your financial statements. Become far more transparent with how information is shared and communicated.
Marionette No More: Drop the puppet strings. Give others more responsibility and decision-making power without micromanagement and approvals. Train, but then trust them. Let them lead.
Expose Your Chest: As my friend Waldo Waldman teaches about leadership, “expose your chest to daggers,” meaning, show your vulnerability first. Be more open and honest in the disclosure of your own fears, failures and shortcomings.
Remember, people relate and connect more with your struggles than your successes. What do you fear? When do you feel scared? When have you tried and failed? When does your confidence waver? Share that with your team and you will witness the veil of false posture lifted from your team.
Perform Pancreaticoduodenectomies: This is the surgery you need if you have pancreatic cancer—one of the most deadly of all cancers. Cancer in your team is gossip, negative talk, the “meeting after the meeting” and separate alliances or factions within the team. First, never do such things yourself. Second, stop others whenever they do them. Cancer cannot be tolerated; it has to be killed and surgically cut out before it becomes too widespread. Left too long it will destroy the whole body (team).
Be Worthy: To be trusted you first must be trustworthy. Demonstrate you are by doing what you say you will do and being where you say you will be precisely when you say you will be there. Deliver on your promises and be the example you want everyone else to follow. Simple, easy and pretty straightforward, right? Why do so many screw this one up, then? Baffles me.
Decide your five and start doing them this week.
“Perhaps no human need is more neglected in the workplace than to feel valued,” as written in The Way We Are Working Isn’t Working by Tony Schwartz. Feeling significant is as basic as food. This begins at birth and never goes away. The need for significance at work is a manifestation of our inborn hunger for meaning in our lives.
Here’s the trick, though: Just like I learned in marriage, people have different “love languages,” and have different ways of feeling valued and appreciated. If you just do it as you would want it done, there’s a great chance you will be wrong and miss the mark completely. The answer is to ASK them (same goes for your spouse).
Do This: Pick five people on your team. Sit down with each of them and explain how much you appreciate them, but are unsure how to express that fully, correctly or in the manner which matters most to them. Ask them when in the past they have felt the most appreciated and what they would like to see from you.
Decide your five and start doing that this week.
There you have it—the formula for building fantastically successful teams. Do just 20 percent of what we talked about here and you will greatly improve the performance of your team. Diligently work on all of it and you and your team will be unstoppable in your industry.
Go for unstoppable!
Building Great Teams (3 of 3)
We’ve learned that great teams beat great players, leaders and competitors every time. We found that the most sabotaging influence to team cohesion and performance is ego and “headwind hogging.” Now let me identify the two most important ingredients for building high-performing teams.
As Patrick Lencioni wrote in his excellent book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the No. 1 dysfunction is an absence of trust. Interestingly, you don’t even need to like each other, but you do have to trust each other to form the cohesion and solidarity needed for high performance.
So what do you do to build more trust?
I’m a believer in always giving what you want first. If you want trust from your team, give trust first. Things that foster trust are transparency, honesty, vulnerability and complete integrity.
Brainstorm five ways you can demonstrate trust to your team.
Thought starters:
Open the Kimono: Open up your books. Share the good, the bad and the ugly of your financial statements. Become far more transparent with how information is shared and communicated.
Marionette No More: Drop the puppet strings. Give others more responsibility and decision-making power without micromanagement and approvals. Train, but then trust them. Let them lead.
Expose Your Chest: As my friend Waldo Waldman teaches about leadership, “expose your chest to daggers,” meaning, show your vulnerability first. Be more open and honest in the disclosure of your own fears, failures and shortcomings.
Remember, people relate and connect more with your struggles than your successes. What do you fear? When do you feel scared? When have you tried and failed? When does your confidence waver? Share that with your team and you will witness the veil of false posture lifted from your team.
Perform Pancreaticoduodenectomies: This is the surgery you need if you have pancreatic cancer—one of the most deadly of all cancers. Cancer in your team is gossip, negative talk, the “meeting after the meeting” and separate alliances or factions within the team. First, never do such things yourself. Second, stop others whenever they do them. Cancer cannot be tolerated; it has to be killed and surgically cut out before it becomes too widespread. Left too long it will destroy the whole body (team).
Be Worthy: To be trusted you first must be trustworthy. Demonstrate you are by doing what you say you will do and being where you say you will be precisely when you say you will be there. Deliver on your promises and be the example you want everyone else to follow. Simple, easy and pretty straightforward, right? Why do so many screw this one up, then? Baffles me.
Decide your five and start doing them this week.
“Perhaps no human need is more neglected in the workplace than to feel valued,” as written in The Way We Are Working Isn’t Working by Tony Schwartz. Feeling significant is as basic as food. This begins at birth and never goes away. The need for significance at work is a manifestation of our inborn hunger for meaning in our lives.
Here’s the trick, though: Just like I learned in marriage, people have different “love languages,” and have different ways of feeling valued and appreciated. If you just do it as you would want it done, there’s a great chance you will be wrong and miss the mark completely. The answer is to ASK them (same goes for your spouse).
Do This: Pick five people on your team. Sit down with each of them and explain how much you appreciate them, but are unsure how to express that fully, correctly or in the manner which matters most to them. Ask them when in the past they have felt the most appreciated and what they would like to see from you.
Decide your five and start doing that this week.
There you have it—the formula for building fantastically successful teams. Do just 20 percent of what we talked about here and you will greatly improve the performance of your team. Diligently work on all of it and you and your team will be unstoppable in your industry.
Go for unstoppable!
Building Great Teams (2 of 3)
From Darren Hardy's Blog:
Building Great Teams (2 of 3)
(If you missed it, here’s post #1)
The Single Most Sabotaging Force of Team Performance
When a duck falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone. Left out of formation for too long it will eventually tire out and drop out completely.
We see this happen on sports teams when one player tries to showboat and carry the game. Eventually the headwind of trying to fly alone will wear him down and the opposition will prevail.
You saw Mark Cuban on our November cover of SUCCESS. His Dallas Mavericks faced the Miami Heat for the 2011 NBA Championship. The Heat demonstrated a prime example of this sabotaging force. Many argued that never had more individual talent been assembled (and paid for) on a single team in the history of the NBA as was on the 2011 Miami Heat. They had the “three kings,” or whatever they called themselves (that had to be a clue).
Meanwhile the Dallas Mavericks, while they obviously had good players, didn’t have nearly the individual superstar/celebrity talent the Heat had. The championship should have been a blowout. And it was. Teamwork blew out talent 4 games to 2.
While the Miami Heat had more ‘eagles,’ let’s say, the Dallas Mavericks played as a unified flock, or team, and beat the Heat decisively. That is the power of teamwork and that is the detriment individual egos can be, sabotaging the greatness of a team.
The important team lesson here: No one member of your team can or should be taking the headwind all the time. Just like a duck, he or she has to have the humility and the ego strength to rotate to the back of the formation so another duck can take the lead position to keep the flock moving at top speed.
Think about it. How often, as leaders, do we not recognize how many other leaders we have behind us? Others who want to also be leaders and share in our burdens? Leaders that, if given the opportunity, may be able to take your group to a higher level not yet obtained?
Sometimes, true leadership is to know when to step aside to let someone else lead for awhile. Then, stand by that new leader and offer support and encouragement.
And therein lies another lesson from the duck. When in formation, the ducks quack from behind to encourage those up front.
How often do we encourage those who are leading us? We need to make sure that our “quacking” from behind is encouraging—not something less helpful or damaging.
How about this one: Did you know that when a duck gets sick or wounded, two ducks will drop out of formation and follow it down to help protect it? They stay with the wounded duck until it is either able to fly again or dies. Then, they launch out to join another formation or work together to catch up with the flock. Beautiful isn’t it?
Are we standing by the people around us when they are in need? Or do we turn a blind eye and say, “Oh that sucks for you, duck”? Being part of a team is being there in the good times and the bad.
Takeaway action items:
The Single Most Sabotaging Force of Team Performance
When a duck falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone. Left out of formation for too long it will eventually tire out and drop out completely.
We see this happen on sports teams when one player tries to showboat and carry the game. Eventually the headwind of trying to fly alone will wear him down and the opposition will prevail.
Meanwhile the Dallas Mavericks, while they obviously had good players, didn’t have nearly the individual superstar/celebrity talent the Heat had. The championship should have been a blowout. And it was. Teamwork blew out talent 4 games to 2.
While the Miami Heat had more ‘eagles,’ let’s say, the Dallas Mavericks played as a unified flock, or team, and beat the Heat decisively. That is the power of teamwork and that is the detriment individual egos can be, sabotaging the greatness of a team.
The important team lesson here: No one member of your team can or should be taking the headwind all the time. Just like a duck, he or she has to have the humility and the ego strength to rotate to the back of the formation so another duck can take the lead position to keep the flock moving at top speed.
Think about it. How often, as leaders, do we not recognize how many other leaders we have behind us? Others who want to also be leaders and share in our burdens? Leaders that, if given the opportunity, may be able to take your group to a higher level not yet obtained?
Sometimes, true leadership is to know when to step aside to let someone else lead for awhile. Then, stand by that new leader and offer support and encouragement.
And therein lies another lesson from the duck. When in formation, the ducks quack from behind to encourage those up front.
How often do we encourage those who are leading us? We need to make sure that our “quacking” from behind is encouraging—not something less helpful or damaging.
How about this one: Did you know that when a duck gets sick or wounded, two ducks will drop out of formation and follow it down to help protect it? They stay with the wounded duck until it is either able to fly again or dies. Then, they launch out to join another formation or work together to catch up with the flock. Beautiful isn’t it?
Are we standing by the people around us when they are in need? Or do we turn a blind eye and say, “Oh that sucks for you, duck”? Being part of a team is being there in the good times and the bad.
Takeaway action items:
- Are you hogging the leadership ball? Think of several people and several ways you can have others take the lead. Then be sure you are there to quack encouragement all along the way.
- Are you taking care of the entire flock? Is there someone you need to be there for, helping them heal some personal hurts?
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Building Great Teams! (1 of 3)
From Success Magazine publisher Darren Hardy's post:
Building Great Teams (1 of 3)
If you were going to pick a model from nature for how to create and operate as a great team, which animal would you pick?
How about lions, tigers, hippos or bears?
Those species are known to eat their young, or the new guy or gal on the team, in our analogy. That doesn’t make for good team building!
How about wolves or hyenas?
These animals are known to constantly have ego fights for dominance—definitely not good for trust and the morale of a team.
How about salmon?
Certainly their long struggle to swim upstream in dedication to duplicate (procreate) the team has to be a good role model, right? Yeah, well, the only problem is, once they have finally done the quiver (seriously, that’s what they do—they align themselves next to each other and “quiver” while they each do their part of the act), they die. That can’t be good if every time new people are brought into your team the leaders die. So salmon are out.
I know what you are thinking… eagles, right?
Eagles are good role models for soaring to individual heights, but they are poor team players. They are known to be territorial, pretty hostile toward one another and constantly stealing prey from one another.
Get this… momma eagle usually lays two eggs and most often the bigger of the two siblings (which is usually the female, as they come out bigger) kills the other sibling while mom looking on (harsh, right?). No, you don’t want the new recruits killing each other or the leaders stealing sales and clients from each other. Eagles, team players? Not so much.
No, the animal species you want to learn from and emulate in working together as a team are… ducks.
Ducks, because they work together to accomplish feats that seem unimaginable and impossible for most any other animal.
Ducks fly distances of hundreds or even thousands of miles, a distance almost no other animal can travel and it’s possible only because they do it as a team.
Like ducks, people naturally gravitate toward organizations that will shelter and protect them and make their life easier than if they were left to fend for themselves. I have found that people want to belong; they want to be a part of a team. It gives them a sense of purpose, where they can be a part of something bigger than themselves.
I also find that most people perform to their greater potential when on a team than when on their own. They rise to meet the expectations of the team; if left alone to their own motivations, they wouldn’t push themselves nearly as hard.
I find that lots of people do more for the recognition of others than for their own satisfaction. Thus, team environments are a powerful force for drawing out the best within our individual potentials for achievement.
Amazing feats are created when the collective whole becomes greater than the sum of the individual parts. That occurs when teamwork is working well.
So in business, people who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier when they travel on the thrust of one another.
As leaders, it is our job to cast the vision and enroll others to share in that vision. As teams, we need to help one another and to offer encouragement and support as the success of the individual creates uplift for the rest of the flock… or team.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Community Service
Look out for our upcoming community service events which will include; Working with a local Sacramento animal shelter, The Sacramento Food Bank in November, and we will round out the year ringing bells for the Salvation Army and working with Toys for Tots!
A lot has happened since our last post! Would like to welcome newest members to the team first off; Ilse, Samone, Crystal, Serge, Manny, Evalena, Fed, Eric, Cliff & Raymon! Excited to have you on board, and looking forward to working with you all!
Secondly, congrats to the team for our recent awards from AT&T! Most improved in the Nation & Highest attach rate! We are going to need an extra room for all these awards, keep up the great work guys!
Secondly, congrats to the team for our recent awards from AT&T! Most improved in the Nation & Highest attach rate! We are going to need an extra room for all these awards, keep up the great work guys!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
We'd like to take the time to congratulate a few people on their recent promotion: Vinh, David, Emily, Sky and Caleb. All of you deserved this because of your student mentality, hard work and continued achievements. We wish for all of your continued successes and are excited to see how this new opportunity provides not only challenges but more times of celebration in the future.
A Warm Welcome
We'd like to give a warm welcome to our newest team members: Spence, Charles, Mike, Chris, Ryan and Jeran. Our team has been rapidly expanding and we strive to support every one of our employees. We hope you enjoy your time with us.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Starting tomorrow, have fun in Puerto Rico! Enjoy your well-earned R&R time and we will see you on Monday.
Starting tomorrow, have fun in Puerto Rico! Enjoy your well-earned R&R time and we will see you on Monday.
Newest Team Members
We are proud to welcome our newest addition to our team: Sky, Caleb, Brandon, Eric and Briene. We look forward to growing with you and hope you all enjoy working with us.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
New Starts
Emily, Corbett and Michael,
We are delighted you decided to join our team. We take great pride in our company and are glad to have all of you here.
Congratulations Dan on your recent promotion! We know how hard you've been working and how deserving you are of this recognition.With this success, comes greater opportunities and challenges. Face it with the same drive and enthusiam.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Welcome to our Team!
We would like to welcome our newest employees to the office: Angel, David, Shawntelle and Alex. We look forward to working with all of you.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Welcome Aboard!
A warm welcome for our new starts, John-Carlo and Vinh. We look forward to working and growing with you both.
Office Fantasy Football Draft
Are you ready for football? We are! On the 28th of this month, Mangetic Consulting Group will be meeting at Buffalo Wild Wings in Folsom for this year's Fantasy Football draft. Bring your family and friends and join us for wings and drinks.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Orange County Office's Business Trip to Sacramento
Our neighbors from the south will be staying in Sacramento this week in order to observe, participate and network with our office. As always, we aim on providing a professional and friendly environment where individuals pursue and reach their goals. We hope the Orange County office will benefit from their stay as well as contribute to our perspective.
Friends from Southern California: Welcome to Sacramento!
Friends from Southern California: Welcome to Sacramento!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Recent Promotions
Congratulations to both Jennifer and Reid on their recent promotions. Hats off to all their hard work!
Susan G. Komen and Passionately Pink for the Cure Fundraiser a Success
Magnetic Consulting Group, family and friends met at Mann Park on July 17th, raising $250 dollars for the Susan G. Komen Foundation and Passionately Pink for the Cure to help end breast cancer. The participants wore pink to show their support and played a friendly game of kickball for charity. Magnetic Consulting Group ended up winning the tournament in the last inning.
The company looks foward into holding more events in the future to spread awareness and raise money for various charities.
A huge thank you for everyone who came out and showed their support!
The company looks foward into holding more events in the future to spread awareness and raise money for various charities.
A huge thank you for everyone who came out and showed their support!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Magnetic Consulting Group Is Excited About The Kickball Tournament This Weekend!
Magnetic Consulting Group plans an event to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness. The Sacramento marketing firm is gathering local companies, friends and family for a charity kickball tournament with all proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen For The Cure foundation.
Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm founded in Sacramento in 2010. The company specializes in client account acquisition and retention. National service providers hire the company to represent their service to current and new account holders.
The Susan G. Komen For The Cure association is a non-profit organization that raises money for breast cancer awareness and research efforts. The organization was founded Susan’s sister, Nancy, as a promise to do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.
Since being founded in 1982, the organization has raised over $1.5 billion for research, education and health services, making it the largest breast cancer charity in the world. Komen has more than 75,000 volunteers nationwide, 122 affiliates in the United States (47 of 50 states), and 3 affiliates in other countries. The organization has allowed for the development of many new treatment options and a higher quality of life overall for breast cancer patients and long-term survivors.
The event will take place at Mann Park in Folsom, CA. Magnetic Consulting expects a turnout of over 40 people.
“We are constantly looking for ways to get involved in the community and make an impact. Our team is very career oriented and they understand the balance between focusing on work, personal and community involvement. I am excited to be able to continue this with several other charity organizations before the end of the year,” explains Eric Dvorak, President of Magnetic Consulting Group.
The company has worked with local animal shelters and participated in a charity poker night with Operation Smile in May.
Magnetic Consulting Group plans an event to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness. The Sacramento marketing firm is gathering local companies, friends and family for a charity kickball tournament with all proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen For The Cure foundation.
Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm founded in Sacramento in 2010. The company specializes in client account acquisition and retention. National service providers hire the company to represent their service to current and new account holders.
The Susan G. Komen For The Cure association is a non-profit organization that raises money for breast cancer awareness and research efforts. The organization was founded Susan’s sister, Nancy, as a promise to do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.
Since being founded in 1982, the organization has raised over $1.5 billion for research, education and health services, making it the largest breast cancer charity in the world. Komen has more than 75,000 volunteers nationwide, 122 affiliates in the United States (47 of 50 states), and 3 affiliates in other countries. The organization has allowed for the development of many new treatment options and a higher quality of life overall for breast cancer patients and long-term survivors.
The event will take place at Mann Park in Folsom, CA. Magnetic Consulting expects a turnout of over 40 people.
“We are constantly looking for ways to get involved in the community and make an impact. Our team is very career oriented and they understand the balance between focusing on work, personal and community involvement. I am excited to be able to continue this with several other charity organizations before the end of the year,” explains Eric Dvorak, President of Magnetic Consulting Group.
The company has worked with local animal shelters and participated in a charity poker night with Operation Smile in May.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Magnetic Consulting Group Teams Up With Susan G. Komen And Passionately Pink For The Cure
Jul 01, 2011 – Magnetic Consulting Group has started a donations page for the Komen Foundation. Magnetic Consulting Group recently held a fundraiser associated with the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The company wanted to further team up with the foundation and has created a “Passionately Pink For The Cure” to raise money for the cause.
Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm located in Sacramento, CA. The company, established in 2010, is contracted with national clients and specializes in acquiring new business and retaining clientele.
The Susan G. Komen For The Cure was founded in 1982 by Susan’s sister, Nancy G. Brinker. The foundation was based on a desire to make a difference and a promise made to her sister that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever. The goal of the foundation is to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness.
Having invested more than $1.9 billion since inception in 1982, the foundation has become the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists, They aim to work together to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures.
The “Passionately Pink For The Cure” campaign is an awareness and fundraising program benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. The goal of the organization is to end breast cancer forever by supporting the work of the organization started by one sister and named for the other.
“It is important for us as a company to be involved in the community. Our team works extremely hard for our clients and they feel a big part of having a fulfilling career is to be able to give back. We have volunteered for several foundations and are excited to have the opportunity to raise money again for the Komen Foundation,” explains Eric Dvorak, President of Magnetic Consulting Group.
The company will be holding a second kickball tournament to raise money for breast cancer awareness and research. Magnetic Consulting Group has also volunteered and raised money for Operation Smile and is planning to work with the local animal shelter.
Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm located in Sacramento, CA. The company, established in 2010, is contracted with national clients and specializes in acquiring new business and retaining clientele.
The Susan G. Komen For The Cure was founded in 1982 by Susan’s sister, Nancy G. Brinker. The foundation was based on a desire to make a difference and a promise made to her sister that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever. The goal of the foundation is to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness.
Having invested more than $1.9 billion since inception in 1982, the foundation has become the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists, They aim to work together to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures.
The “Passionately Pink For The Cure” campaign is an awareness and fundraising program benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. The goal of the organization is to end breast cancer forever by supporting the work of the organization started by one sister and named for the other.
“It is important for us as a company to be involved in the community. Our team works extremely hard for our clients and they feel a big part of having a fulfilling career is to be able to give back. We have volunteered for several foundations and are excited to have the opportunity to raise money again for the Komen Foundation,”
The company will be holding a second kickball tournament to raise money for breast cancer awareness and research. Magnetic Consulting Group has also volunteered and raised money for Operation Smile and is planning to work with the local animal shelter.
# # #
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Magnetic Consulting Group Raises Money For Operation Smile
Magnetic Consulting Group joined local companies, family and friends in a charity poker night to raise money for Operation Smile. On May 14th, several members of the local community gathered to play poker and raffle prizes all to raise money for the charity.
Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm founded in 2010. The Sacramento based firm is in charge of acquiring and retaining clients for its national clients. Companies hire Magnetic Consulting to act as a middle man between the services they provide and the account holders who are using the service.
Operation Smile is a non-profit organization established in 1982 to help provide surgeries across the world to children born with facial deformities. According to the organization, more than 200,000 children are born with a severe cleft condition each year. Since its inception, Operation Smile has become one of the most prominent children’s charities in the world and currently has a presence in over 60 countries.
Saturday night’s poker event was an open invite to local community members as well as local companies. All profits from the participants buy-ins went directly to Operation Smile. The event took place in Sacramento with a buy in of $10.
“We were excited to be able to participate in the event. I know how much the team here understands the value of working hard, not only in their careers, but also within the community. I think with that mentality, the members of our team will be able to do great things both in and out of the workplace,” explains Eric Dvorak, President of Magnetic Consulting Group.
Since they have been in business, Magnetic Consulting Group has been involved in several community service efforts from helping out in local events to helping at a local animal shelter. The company is currently planning a charity kickball tournament to raise money for Susan G. Komen For The Cure to raise money for breast cancer awareness.
Magnetic Consulting Group Raising Money For Charity
Magnetic Consulting Group plans an event to raise money for breast cancer. The Sacramento marketing firm is gathering local companies, friends and family for a charity kickball tournament.
Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm founded in Sacramento in 2010. The company specializes in client account acquisition and retention. National service providers hire the company to represent their service to current and new account holders.
The Susan G. Komen For The Cure association is a non-profit organization that raises money for breast cancer awareness and research efforts. The organization was founded Susan’s sister, Nancy, as a promise to do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.
Since being founded in 1982, the organization has raised over $1.5 billion for research, education and health services, making it the largest breast cancer charity in the world. Komen has more than 75,000 volunteers nationwide, 122 affiliates in the United States (47 of 50 states), and 3 affiliates in other countries. The organization has allowed for the development of many new treatment options and a higher quality of life overall for breast cancer patients and long-term survivors.
The event will take place at Mann Park in Folsom, CA. Magnetic Consulting expects a turnout of 40 people.
“We are constantly looking for ways to get involved in the community and make an impact. Our team is very career oriented and they understand the balance between focusing on work, personal and community involvement. I am excited to be able to continue this with several other charity organizations before the end of the year,” explains Eric Dvorak, President of Magnetic Consulting Group.
The company has worked with local animal shelters and participated in a charity poker night with Operation Smile in May.
Magnetic Consulting Group plans an event to raise money for breast cancer. The Sacramento marketing firm is gathering local companies, friends and family for a charity kickball tournament.
Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm founded in Sacramento in 2010. The company specializes in client account acquisition and retention. National service providers hire the company to represent their service to current and new account holders.
The Susan G. Komen For The Cure association is a non-profit organization that raises money for breast cancer awareness and research efforts. The organization was founded Susan’s sister, Nancy, as a promise to do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.
Since being founded in 1982, the organization has raised over $1.5 billion for research, education and health services, making it the largest breast cancer charity in the world. Komen has more than 75,000 volunteers nationwide, 122 affiliates in the United States (47 of 50 states), and 3 affiliates in other countries. The organization has allowed for the development of many new treatment options and a higher quality of life overall for breast cancer patients and long-term survivors.
The event will take place at Mann Park in Folsom, CA. Magnetic Consulting expects a turnout of 40 people.
“We are constantly looking for ways to get involved in the community and make an impact. Our team is very career oriented and they understand the balance between focusing on work, personal and community involvement. I am excited to be able to continue this with several other charity organizations before the end of the year,” explains Eric Dvorak, President of Magnetic Consulting Group.
The company has worked with local animal shelters and participated in a charity poker night with Operation Smile in May.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Magnetic Consulting Group Inc. Launches The New Website This Month
PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 10, 2011 – Magnetic Consulting Group Inc. launches a new website this month. The company, established in Sacramento in 2010 is growing and expects to expand to multiple locations within the next year. Magnetic Consulting Group has created a new user friendly website so the public as well as current and potential clients can stay informed as they grow. The new website can be found at
Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm that specializes in growing business clientele for national service providers. Magnetic Consulting Group Inc. is contracted with some of the world’s largest fortune 500 corporations. The company’s main client is one of the top telecommunications companies in the West. Magnetic Consulting Group is in charge of handling the client's accounts through one-on-one consulting with their current and potential customers.

“I am excited for the new website. We have grown so much in the last few months and we expect to expand even more within the coming months. It is exciting to be able to have a way to keep everyone informed as we grow,” explains Eric Dvorak, President of Magnetic Consulting Group.
The About Us tab includes short bios on the executives of the company and a subsection including a gallery of photos for the team. There are sections highlighting the clients and services and contact information.
One tab is specifically devoted to press releases and articles about the company while another tab emphasizes the work Magnetic Consulting has done to give back to the community.
“Even though our company is a for profit firm, we think it is important to make an impact on the community. We have recently started getting involved in some local and national charities,” says Dvorak. “It is important that the company and our team know how important it is to be active within the community and I expect us to participate even more as we grow.”
Since the company expects growth this year, they have also added a Careers tab that outlines the open positions, training provided and benefits offered to employees. Users can click on links to their favorite job sites at the bottom of the Careers page to see any available openings that might be posted.
The FAQ tab goes through the answers to the most common questions Magnetic Consulting Group has received. Finally, the Leadership tab offers information to co-workers and public with links and updates on the latest coaching tips on management, leadership and business.
Magnetic Consulting Group expects to expand to two new locations within the next 12 months and reps say the website and blogs will be updated to reflect any changes to the company.
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Magnetic Consulting Group is a sales and marketing firm contracted with some of the world’s largest Fortune 500 corporations.
In Sacramento, the company works with one of the top telecommunications companies in the country.
Leadership And Coaching At Magnetic Consulting Group
At Magnetic Consulting Group Inc., we believe the quality of our work and the growth of our company will rely heavily on the evolution of the leadership within the company. We believe that great leadership is created through a process of constant self development through continuous coaching on both professional and personal levels.
Executives within the company are trained in areas of time management through being selected to attend Franklin Covey's school of managment.
Here are some examples of what we send our executives to as part of training them to handle a management position.
- Lessons From Franklin Covey
- Course We Provide For Executives To Become Franklin Covey Certified
We are also constantly looking to improve the level of management we provide and teach. Through seminars, we have recently taken on learning the lessons taught through Ken Blanchard's Situational Leadership coaching and John Maxwell's school of thought on leadership.
Below are some links to the lessons we have been incorporating into our coaching process.
- Ken Blanchard's Situational Leadership
- John Maxwell's Blog On Leadership
- Situational Leadership Lessons
Executives within the company are trained in areas of time management through being selected to attend Franklin Covey's school of managment.
Here are some examples of what we send our executives to as part of training them to handle a management position.
- Lessons From Franklin Covey
- Course We Provide For Executives To Become Franklin Covey Certified
We are also constantly looking to improve the level of management we provide and teach. Through seminars, we have recently taken on learning the lessons taught through Ken Blanchard's Situational Leadership coaching and John Maxwell's school of thought on leadership.
Below are some links to the lessons we have been incorporating into our coaching process.
- Ken Blanchard's Situational Leadership
- John Maxwell's Blog On Leadership
- Situational Leadership Lessons
Check Out Magnetic Consulting Group Goals
Our Goals
Our current goal is to acquire and maintain our client's accounts throughout the Sacramento area. Through one-on-one negotiations with their current and potential customers, we are in charge of increasing their clientele and strengthening the relationships they have with their account holders. We expect to take on more clients this year and expand our services nationally within the next year.
The plans are to open 2 more locations within the next 12-16 months by training managers onto other programs in other industries such as telecommunications, energy, and retail. Then, rapidly help our clients reach their goals with a steadfast commitment to expand into every major to mid-sized market across the country.
The plans are to open 2 more locations within the next 12-16 months by training managers onto other programs in other industries such as telecommunications, energy, and retail. Then, rapidly help our clients reach their goals with a steadfast commitment to expand into every major to mid-sized market across the country.
Find Out About Our Clients And Services
As other, more indirect channels of marketing have evolved, an increasing gap between product and consumer has emerged. At Magnetic Consulting Group, our sales force bridges this detrimental gap through actual in-person contact with existing and potential customers. When compared to other marketing channels, the benefits to our clients are invaluable.
In-person interaction with prospective, as well as existing customers enable our sales and marketing representatives to cultivate a rapport with the consumer. Thorough, courteous, professional and product specific presentations by our representatives create a positive and lasting impression.
No other form of marketing can deliver such personal, specific and professional results. Period. Large corporations tend to lose touch with their customer base and what is important to them. Magnetic's approach enhances brand loyalty, which translates into increased revenue, reduced "churn" rates and long term success.
ClientsMagnetic Consulting Group, Inc. is contracted with some of the world’s largest fortune 500 corporations. We work with one of the top telecommunications companies in the country. 
The national client is one of the leading providers of fiber optic technology and computer networking that provides advanced digital TV, high-speed Internet, and digital telecommunications service together as a fully integrated experience.
The client provides fiber optic technology and computer networking to bring clients digital TV, faster internet capabilities and a more intelligent telecommunication services. Magnetic Consulting Group helps consults clients on how to bring it all together by customizing a bundle specific to their own personal needs.
More About Magnetic Consulting Group Below
Welcome to Magnetic Consulting Group, Inc, a privately owned sales and marketing firm located in Sacramento.
Magnetic Consulting Group was established in 2010 and specializes in client acquisition, account consulting and retention.
Magnetic Consulting Group focuses its energy on building clientele for a business by bridging the gap between large corporations and the account holders that use their services.
In the ever changing world of technology, the art of verbal communication has been lost. We believe that business is very simple; acquire great customers and keep them happy. The most effective way to market a company or product is by creating a relationship with the customer and presenting information the old-fashioned way: with a smile and a handshake.
Our vision is to help our clients grow. We provide our clients with an effective and proven way to penetrate their target market. Our goal is to become the worldwide leader in outsourced direct sales and marketing. Within the next year we forecast expansion into 3 additional markets and will continue to create opportunity for decades to come. To accomplish this, we need to successfully train and develop a management team comprised of managers with the same vision.
Our Mission
Our mission is to consistently meet our clients' goals and exceed their expectations. We plan to set the standard for success in our industry by bringing Magnetic Consulting Group to the forefront of outsourced sales and marketing. We will accomplish this by providing continuous development, professionalism, integrity, and commitment to both our clients and associates. While promoting an environment of hard work, dedication, and organization, we will develop our employees and empower them to grow professionally and personally.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Magnetic Consulting Group Launching A New Website
Magnetic Consulting Group will be launching a new website to keep clients up to speed with this year's growth.
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